The Writer

- Eli @ Niri -
- Malaysian -
- Civil Engineering's Student -
- Freely to leave a comment or shout below :) -

February 28, 2013

Review #6 : Foods and Goodies

Bismillahirahmanirahim. For today, I would like to share the foods galore during my solemnization. It is by Tuu Dia Pak Tam Restaurant, Selayang. Why my dad chose them..? It is because they are near to my house and easy to deal with. Furthermore, their package affordable for us since it includes with canopy, table sets and all the stuffs needed during an occasion. It is handy for my parents since only two of them manage about this, so they could save their time for other things. Below are the arrangements made by the caterer.

 For goodies, Alhamdulillah I managed to achieved on of my dream for my own solemnization. I gave Yassin to muslim adults. As for non, my mum decided to gave them a candle holder. Both of it include with two mini cupcakes. Not forgotten, kids, I gave them a bag full with their addiction, chocs, sweets and waffle =P Here some photo of the goodies.

p/s : All the captures during the ceremony are in the video I published before. Check it out.

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